Kajal Arefin Ome, the prolific drama director, premiered his much-anticipated web film, 'Osomoy,' on Bongo, the largest OTT platform in Bangladesh. The film, featuring an ensemble cast led by popular actress Tasnia Farin, delves into a contemporary real-life story, captivating audiences with its intricate plot and stellar performances.
The star-studded cast includes talents such as Runa Khan, Tariq Anam Khan, Iresh Zaker, Saraf Ahmed Zibon, Intekhab Dinar, Monira Mithu, Shashwta Datta, Schumonn Patwary, Shimul Sharma, Lamima Lam, Ishrat Zaheen Ahmed, and a special appearance by popular actor Ziaul Haque Polash.
'Osomoy' unfolds the narrative around Urbee, a university student unwittingly entangled in a murder case. Accused of involvement in a crime ring extorting immoral money from influential figures in society, Urbee's innocence is questioned. The film weaves multiple small stories into a cohesive ensemble, building suspense and engaging audiences throughout.
Director Kajal Arefin Ome shared his thoughts on 'Osomoy,' stating, "It is not a story of a specific person but a reflection of our time. We aimed to capture the essence of the era, and I am delighted with the positive response. I hope those yet to see it will find the film intriguing."
Tasnia Farin, the esteemed lead actress of the recently released web film 'Osomoy,' conveyed her heartfelt appreciation for director Kajal Arefin Ome. Recognizing Ome as the catalyst for her inaugural venture into the industry, Farin expressed profound joy in collaborating with him.
In her statement, Farin remarked, "Ome bhai gave me my first opportunity in the industry, and working with him has been an absolute delight. The entire team devoted themselves to the production of 'Osomoy,' and I sincerely hope that audiences will derive immense pleasure from the film."
Mushfiqur Rahman Manzu, the producer of 'Osomoy' and Chief Content Officer of Bongo, expressed admiration for Ome's directorial prowess, saying, "The film is truly beautiful, and despite being Ome's first, he has expertly used all the elements to captivate the audience. We anticipate that viewers will enjoy 'Osomoy' as much as our previous hit web series, 'Hotel Relax.'"
Notably, Kajal Arefin Ome achieved significant success last year with his debut web series, 'Hotel Relax,' setting records as the most popular and profitable content in the Bangladeshi OTT industry to date.
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